Back to HAF Lyrics Table of Contents NIRVANASHTAKAM (Atmashatakam) Imagine a song that's not just music, but a journey to self-discovery. That's the Nirvana Shatakam, a powerful chant composed by the sage Adi Shankaracharya. It's like a mantra on steroids, turbocharging your spiritual quest.
What is it? The Nirvana Shatakam is a Sanskrit hymn made up of six verses (Shatakam means "six verses"), each one a declaration of non-duality. It's about shedding all the labels and identities you cling to - your ego, your body, your mind - and realizing your true nature as pure consciousness.
Why should you care? In a world that's constantly bombarding you with distractions and external validation, the Nirvana Shatakam is like a reset button. It's a reminder that your true worth isn't tied to your job, your possessions, or your follower count. It's a call to look within and connect with the boundless source of peace and bliss that resides within you.
How does it work? The Nirvana Shatakam uses the power of language and sound to shift your perspective. It's not just about the meaning of the words but also the vibrations they create. By chanting or simply listening to the verses, you can tap into a deeper level of awareness and experience a sense of liberation.
Remember The Nirvana Shatakam is not about escaping the world or denying your individuality. It's about transcending the limitations of your ego and embracing the interconnectedness of all things.
Chidananda rupah shivoham shivoham (1)
Verse 1 Mano buddhya hankara chittani naham Na cha shrotra jive, na cha ghana netre Na cha vyoma bhumirna tejo na vayuhu Chidananda rupah shivoham shivoham. (1)
Verse 1 Meaning I am not mind, intellect, thought, ego, or form of the supreme being; I have neither ears, tongue, nose (nostrils) nor eyes; I am not the sky, earth, light or wind; I am a fortunate, joyful, supreme being as the emblem of truth, knowledge and eternal bliss. I am the self spiritual joy of pure consciousness Shiva, Shivoham, Shivoham.
Verse 2 Na cha prana sangno na vai pancha vayuhu Na va sapta dhatur na va pancha koshaha Na vak pani padau na chopastha payoo Chidananda rupah shivoham shivoham . (2).
Verse 2 Meaning I am not the most essential air. Nor a part of essential five gaseous body functions (which are Pran, Aparn, Vyan, Udan and Saman)- I have nothing to do with them, I am not the seven-fold material (Ras, Rakta, Mans, Med, Asthi, Majja and Shukra) that help in body development, I am not part of five coverings that help to build up the personality (food, air, mind, knowledge or wisdom and pleasure). I have nothing to do with five organs of action (which are speech-mouth, hands, feet, reproductive and rectum), I am a fortunate, joyful, supreme being as the emblem of truth, knowledge and eternal bliss. I am the self spiritual joy of pure consciousness Shiva, Shivoham, Shivoham.
Verse 3 Na me desha ragau na me lobha mohau Mado naiva me naiva matsarya bhavah Na dharmo na chartho na kamo na mokshah Chidananda rupah shivoham shivoham. (3).
Verse 3 Meaning I have no likes or dislikes; Not I have any greed or delusion; I have no pride or arrogant vanity; Nor am I jealous of anyone or have competition with anyone; I do not need the four main necessities of life (which are Dharma (Law of Life), Artha (Wealth), Kama (Desires) and Moksha (Liberation); I am a fortunate, joyful, supreme being as the emblem of truth, knowledge and eternal bliss. I am the self spiritual joy of pure consciousness Shiva, Shivoham, Shivoham.
Verse 4 Na punyam na papam na saukhyam na dukham Na mantro na tirtham na veda na yagnaha Aham bhojanam naiva bhojyam na bhokta Chidananda rupah shivoham shivoham. (4).
Verse 4 Meaning I am not attached to any righteousness) or sin; I have neither pleasure nor sorrow; I have no need for any Mantra; I have no need for pilgrimages; 1 have no need for any sacred scriptures; Nor will I perform any sacred rituals; I am neither the subject nor the object nor the doer; I am a fortunate, joyful, supreme being as the emblem of truth, knowledge and eternal bliss. I am the self spiritual joy of pure consciousness Shiva, Shivoham, Shivoham.
Verse 5 Na me mrutyu shanka na me jati bhedah Pita naiva me naiva mata na janma Na bandhur na mitram gurur naiva shishyah Chidananda rupah shivoham shivoham. (5).
Verse 5 Meaning I have no fear of death, nor have I caste distinction; I have neither father nor mother because I was never born, I have neither kin nor friends; I have no gurus and I am not a disciple; I am a fortunate, joyful, supreme being as the emblem of truth, knowledge and eternal bliss. I am the self spiritual joy of pure consciousness Shiva, Shivoham, Shivoham.
Verse 6 Aham nirvikalpo nirakar rupo Vibhur vyapya sarvatra sarvendriyanam Sada me samatvam na muktir na bandhah Chidananda rupah shivoham shivoham. (6).
Verse 6 Meaning I am free of thoughts and have no form; I am all-pervading and existing everywhere; I am the king of behind all sense-organs; I am always impartial to everything,; I am free from everything and I have no attachment to anything, I am a fortunate, joyful, supreme being as the emblem of truth, knowledge and eternal bliss. I am the self spiritual joy of pure consciousness Shiva, Shivoham, Shivoham.